What is babywearing?
– Simply put it is holding or carrying a baby or child using a baby carrier. It is a great tool and skill to have allowing the use of both hands to cook, go for a walk, get house work done, or help to get a fussy baby to sleep.
Where can I attend a meeting?
– We currently have meetings in several locations across Connecticut! Visit our Facebook page or visit our Calendar tab for the most up to date meeting times and locations!
Will a meeting be coming to my area?
– We are a volunteer run organization and currently limited on where we can hold meetings, but are always looking for new meeting locations! If you have an idea for a location please send us an email!
There are no meetings near me, but I need help with my carrier or finding the carrier thats right for me!
– Send us an email! We can set up a one on one virtual meeting with an educator or arrange for an in-person one on one session!
What happens at a meeting?
– Meetings are free to the public and varying depending on attendance. A meeting will usually include a Babywearing demo of basic carriers followed by the educators branching off to help with specific questions. The lending library is available for trying on or you may bring your own carriers for us to help with.
What is the lending library and how can I borrow a carrier?
– The lending library is our collection of carriers that can be checked out or borrowed by members. To borrow a carrier from the library you first need to become a member. Visit our membership page for more info on memberships and how to become a member.